Morowali District Branch of National Workers Union Mediates After Workers Terminated Without Notice, May 23, 2024

(SPNews) Bahodopi, Sulawesi—Representatives of the district executive committee of the Morowali Regency branch of the National Workers Union (SPN) on Indonesia’s Sulawesi Island conducted a second round of mediation on May 22, 2024, at the office of PT. Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park (IMIP).

The mediation addressed the contract terminations of Mr. Fikran and Ms. Ruth Teresia Loi, employees of PT. Chengtok Lithium Indonesia (CTLI), a company also situated in the IMIP industrial estate. The terminations were justified by claims their performance during probation had not met the standards required for permanent employment.

According to the employees’ employment agreements, the probation period ended on April 30, 2024, and the employer was required to give written notice to an employee no later than seven working days before a termination of employment.

However, as of April 23, 2024, notification of termination letters required under the agreements had not been issued. Both employees continued working until May 9, 2024, suggesting they were to be automatically recognized and promoted to permanent employee status (PKWTT). However, on May 10, 2024, both were summoned by HR staff and told their contracts would not be renewed effective immediately.

Deputy chair of the National Workers Union (SPN) Morowali Regency district executive committee Mr. Yogi said that after a challenging negotiation process, both parties had agreed that PT. CTLI would reinstate the two employees. They would be assigned to different work sites, and granted permanent employee status (PKWTT), with the terms formalized in a joint agreement.

“We requested that the agreement be formalized in a joint agreement to serve as a reference for the future. We do not want two workers to have to start over from the beginning when they are re-employed. The joint agreement also requires that both employees be given equal opportunities for career advancement in the future,” Mr. Yogi told SPNews.

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