What is Hasto Kristiyanto’s Involvement in the Harun Masiku Corruption Scandal?

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Investigates PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto Again in Harun Masiku Bribery Case. Was the Presidential Palace Involved?

Tempo Magazine, Sunday, June 23, 2024

Upon meeting Hasto Kristiyanto on Monday, June 10, 2024, senior police officer, Rossa Purbo Bekti, immediately saluted him. The Secretary-General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) returned the gesture. They then shook hands. On that day, in interview room 37 on the second floor of the office of Indonesia’s national anti-graft agency, the Corruption Eradication Commission or KPK, Rossa interrogated Hasto in relation to the alleged bribery case involving PDI-P politician Harun Masiku who is now on the run from authorities.

In an interview with Tempo Magazine conducted in the Central Jakarta district of Menteng on Thursday, June 20, 2024, Hasto recounted that his conversation with Rossa began with small talk. Rossa expressed admiration for Hasto’s ideas. In turn, Hasto praised Rossa’s track record since graduating from the Police Academy in 2006 and joining the anti-corruption commission. “He regretted having to meet me in the interrogation room,” Hasto said.

Pengusutan kasus berlanjut setelah kerap berselisih dengan Istana
The Push and Pull of Hunting Hasto

The conversation took a serious turn when Rossa broached the subject of Harun Masiku. According to Hasto, Rossa hinted that his task to continue investigating the Harun Masiku bribery case had come from now-disgraced former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. Hasto responded that his meetings with Firli had only been because he was invited to participate as a resource person.

Rossa assured Hasto that he had no conflict of interest in the case, mentioning the corruption cases of former Papua Provincial Governor Lukas Enembe and now-disgraced former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo which he had handled. Hasto claimed Rossa’s tone became more assertive during this exchange.

Rewind Four Years

Four years ago, on January 8, 2020, Rossa pursued Harun Masiku and Hasto Kristiyanto, suspected of bribing Wahyu Setiawan, a commissioner of Indonesia’s national General Elections Commission (KPU). The alleged bribe was allegedly intended to secure Harun’s appointment to a seat in the national House of Representatives, replacing Nazarudin Kiemas, brother-in-law of PDI-P Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Despite Nazarudin’s death prior to the 2019 general election ballot, he received the highest number of votes in the South Sumatra I constituency. However, the KPU insisted on appointing Riezky Aprilia, the candidate with the second-highest votes, instead of Harun, who ranked fifth.


Rossa and his team chased Hasto and Harun to the Police College’s (PTIK) Jakarta campus. Instead of arresting them, Rossa and four other KPK investigators were arrested by police as they were in the process of preparing for evening prayers at the College’s mosque. They were held for seven hours and forced to hand over their cellphone passwords. “There was a misunderstanding between the [KPK] investigators and the police,” said then KPK spokesman Ali Fikri on January 9, 2020.

Case Reopened

As of last week, Harun, who is a suspect, remains on the run. Hasto was interrogated on January 24, 2020. The bribery case languished for more than three years, until June 5, 2023, when Firli Bahuri, still KPK Chairman, signed an investigation order to resume the case.

In interrogation room 37 on Monday, June 10, 2024, Rossa inquired about Hasto’s cellphone. Tensions rose. Hasto claimed he had not brought his phone, having left it with his aide and lawyer waiting in the lobby. Rossa requested permission to retrieve it with Hasto withholding permission.

Rossa exited the room, leaving Hasto to fill out a biodata form. He sought out Hasto’s aide, Kusnadi. Smoking in the KPK lobby, Kusnadi was surprised to see Rossa, wearing a white shirt and a black mask. Rossa asked Kusnadi to follow him, claiming that Hasto had called for him.

Kusnadi went without informing Hasto’s lawyer, Ronny Talapessy, who was holding a press conference nearby. Kusnadi took the stairs to the second floor while Rossa took the elevator. On the second floor, Rossa, now unmasked, greeted Kusnadi. “This is who I was looking for,” Kusnadi recounted Rossa saying in conversation with Tempo Magazine on Thursday, June 13, 2024.

Burner Phone

According to Kusnadi, Rossa immediately demanded that he hand over Hasto’s cellphone, which was in his bag. Rossa questioned why Hasto’s phone appeared new. Other investigators searched Kusnadi’s bag. Rossa returned to interview room 37 and asked Hasto why his phone was new.

The situation escalated. Rossa and Hasto argued. Hasto admitted he was angry because he had protested Rossa’s plan to seize his phone. “Seizure is a pro-justitia action, so I should be accompanied by a lawyer,” Hasto said.

However, Rossa insisted on confiscating the phone, believing it held evidence related to Harun Masiku’s whereabouts. Hasto followed Rossa out of the room to the locker where bags were stored. He protested again upon seeing Kusnadi there. Kusnadi’s bag had already been searched. “I was told to sit in the corner,” Kusnadi said on Thursday, June 20, 2024.

Investigators found three cellphones, a bank book, a debit card, a black book belonging to Hasto, and Rp130 million ($8,700) in Kusnadi’s bag. Except for the money, all the items were seized. Kusnadi resisted when investigators tried to take the money, claiming it was unrelated to the Harun Masiku case and was intended to buy plane tickets.

Complaint Form

Hasto insisted Kusnadi should be accompanied by a lawyer. He asked investigators to release his aide. However, KPK investigators interrogated Kusnadi for three hours without serving a witness summons. Investigators asked Hasto to fill out an objection form regarding the confiscation of the items and Kusnadi’s interrogation. Hasto was not further questioned by investigators.

By Saturday afternoon, June 22, 2024, Rossa had not responded to Tempo Magazine’s messages or calls. KPK spokesperson Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto confirmed that there had been no prior plan to question Kusnadi on June 10, 2024. However, she claimed that the seizure was conducted according to procedure. “There was a discussion between investigators and the item’s owner during the seizure,” Tessa said on Friday, June 21, 2024.

Another KPK spokesperson, Budi Prasetyo, stated that Hasto’s phone was seized to locate Harun Masiku. However, criminal law expert from Trisakti University, Abdul Ficar Hadjar, said seizures outside of a sting operation needed to be accompanied by a warrant and court authorization. “Seizures should be advised to the KPK Supervisory Board,” he said.

Official Complaint

On Thursday, June 20, 2024, Hasto and Kusnadi’s lawyer, Ronny Talapessy, also a PDI-P member, lodged complaints about Rossa Purbo Bekti with the KPK Supervisory Board. He stated that the items seized by investigators could not be used as evidence. Ronny claimed his client’s communication devices were unrelated to the Harun Masiku case.

On their way home from the KPK office, Hasto asked Kusnadi about his black notebook. Kusnadi said the notes from Hasto’s meetings with Megawati Soekarnoputri over the past four months had been seized by investigators. Hasto was upset. “One of the entries included strategies related to the upcoming regional elections,” Hasto said.

Alleged Bribe

The KPK team’s efforts to target Hasto Kristiyanto have persisted despite the Harun Masiku bribery case losing momentum after the anti-corruption commission arrested General Elections Commission commissioner Wahyu Setiawan four years ago. At the time, KPK investigators believed Rp400 million ($26,700) of the Rp850 million ($56,700) given to Wahyu had come from Harun and Hasto.

A former KPK investigator involved in the pursuit of Hasto and Harun said the KPK had evidence of Hasto’s involvement. One piece of evidence was the testimony of Saeful Bahri, Hasto’s close associate, who had handed money to Agustiani Tio Fridelina Sitorus, Wahyu Setiawan’s right-hand assistant.

Investigating the Investigators

This source claimed that Saeful’s testimony had later been altered by investigators under orders from an influential official outside the KPK. Revisiting the case, the KPK team has been interrogating investigators who have handled the Harun Masiku bribery case since Thursday, June 20, 2024.

The KPK’s spokesperson, Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto, admitted that she had no recent information on the investigation into the Harun Masiku case. Hasto Kristiyanto, Secretary General of PDI-P, was reticent to comment on the bribery involving Wahyu Setiawan, stating, “It’s before the courts.”

Obstruction of Justice Allegations

During their investigation, the KPK planned to charge Hasto with obstruction of justice. He was suspected of communicating with Harun and knowing his whereabouts. Law enforcement sources stated that communications between Hasto and Harun were conducted through Simeon Petrus, a PDIP member and lawyer involved in the Indonesian Democracy Defenders Team since 1996. Simeon was questioned on May 29, 2024, by the KPK, which had previously searched Wahyu Setiawan’s home in Banjarnegara, Central Java, on December 28, 2023.

Political Tensions and Investigations

Following these events, Hasto received warnings from colleagues to avoid harsh criticism of President Joko Widodo and his son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, during the politically heated period leading up to the 2024 presidential election.

Hasto had criticized President Widodo, who was perceived to be facilitating his son Gibran’s vice-presidential bid. Before the election, Hasto met with Yanuar Prawira Wisesa, Secretary of PDI-P’s Legal and Advocacy Assistance Agency, at the Jakarta campaign officer of former Central Java Governor and PDI-P endorsed presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo. Hasto inquired whether Harun Masiku’s family had been searched by the KPK. Yanuar checked with KPK investigators and informed Hasto that Harun’s relatives’ home in South Sulawesi had been searched on January 3, 2024.

Further KPK Examinations

On June 19, 2024, the KPK examined Yanuar and Kusnadi, Hasto’s aides. Yanuar denied involvement in the bribery case, stating that he and Wahyu Setiawan’s shared a background in the PDI-P-affiliated Indonesian National Student Movement or GMNI. Kusnadi, who was questioned for over eight hours, admitted to knowing Harun as a PDI-P party member, but denied knowing his whereabouts.

Evidence and Communications

KPK investigators obtained conversations between Kusnadi and Hasto from confiscated cellphones, including discussions about “soaking” items. Kusnadi clarified that this referred to soaking clothes, part of a Balinese purification tradition Hasto was undergoing. Hasto denied knowing about the recordings, questioning the need to record his own conversations.

Political and Legal Implications

Legal sources indicated that Hasto’s alleged obstruction of justice case would soon be escalated to the investigation stage. Hasto dismissed the accusations as a political maneuver, asserting his innocence regarding budget theft or robbery.

Within PDI-P, suspicions arose that Hasto’s investigation stemmed from the party’s opposition to President Joko Widodo. In the 2024 presidential election, PDI-P supported Ganjar Pranowo and running mate Mahfud Md., while President Widodo endorsed the ticket of his son Gibran, and serving defense secretary Prabowo Subianto. The split from President Widodo, previously endorsed by PDI-P, had led to Hasto’s increased criticism of the President. Hasto accused the President of seeking to extend his term to three terms, in contravention of the constitution’s two term limit, following a Constitutional Court decision that cleared the way for son Gibran’s vice-presidential candidacy.

Public and Legal Backlash

Hasto’s remarks about the maturity needed for leadership, likening it to the age requirement for truck drivers, drew ire from the presidential palace, seen as being targeted at the President’s son Gibran. Following these statements, PDI-P member and key Widodo administration official Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung met with Hasto and Megawati Soekarnoputri to convey President Widodo’s concerns. Hasto insisted his remarks were intended as advice, not direct comparisons.

Megawati Soekarnoputri


The palace perceived Hasto as hindering President Widodo’s communication with Megawati. Insiders claimed Hasto controlled access to Megawati. Tensions peaked during PDI-P’s fifth national conference, where Hasto was blamed for labeling the 2024 election as the worst ever election, citing examples of abuse of power, legal intervention, ethical violations, and money politics. PDI-P leaders warned Hasto to refrain from criticizing President Widodo until his term ended on October 20, 2024.

Legal Intimidation

President Widodo’s Chief of Staff Gen. (Retd.) Moeldoko denied that Hasto’s examination was ordered by President Widodo, suggesting legal considerations have guided the KPK’s actions. Hasto faced police questioning on June 4, 2024, under Indonesia’s controversial Information and Electronic Transactions Law for allegedly spreading false information causing public unrest in relation to his television appearances and comments about democratic quality of the 2024 presidential and legislative elections.

Journalistic Protections

Hasto argued that he could not be criminalized for journalistic products, supported by Press Council Deputy Chairman Agung Dharmajaya, who emphasized journalistic dispute resolution through the council. The police have examined over 50 witnesses in the case.

Hasto’s Preparedness and Strategic Response

Hasto told Tempo Magazine he was ready for the worst outcome in the Harun Masiku case, willing to step down for the party’s sake. However, a senior PDI-P member indicated Hasto was also preparing to expose corruption involving the presidential family.


Erwan Hermawan, Francisca Christy Rosana, Riky Ferdianto, Egi Adyatama, Hussein Abri Dongoran, Mutia Yuantisya, and Yohanes Moharso Joharsoyo contributed to this article. In print, it appeared under the title “Berburu Jejak Hasto di Buku Hitam [Hunting for Hasto’s Tracks in the Black Book]”.

This article is based on https://majalah.tempo.co/read/laporan-utama/171761/pemeriksaan-kpk-hasto-kristiyanto and is not authorized by the authors.

In earlier reporting…

PDI-P Sec Gen Hasto Summoned by KPK Over Harun Masiku Case; PDI-P Raises Allegations of Corruption Involving First Family

By Achmad Nasrudin Yahya for Kompas.com, June 5, 2024

JAKARTA, Kompas.com – The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) has focused attention on allegations of corruption involving two of President Joko Widodo’s sons, Gibran Rakabuming Raka and Kaesang Pangarep.

The move comes as PDI-P spokesman Chico Hakim responds to the imminent summoning of the party’s Secretary-General, Mr. Hasto Kristiyanto, by Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in relation to the case against PDI-P politician Mr. Harun Masiku.

Hakim drew a comparison between Hasto’s summoning and the still unresolved corruption accusations against Gibran and Kaesang, reported to the anti-graft agency in 2022 by Jakarta State University lecturer Mr. Ubedilah Badrun.

“We are inevitably forced to compare this [summons] with Ubedilah’s corruption report, a UNJ lecturer who filed a corruption complaint against Gibran and Kaesang. Despite his impeccable integrity and credibility, his report has been ignored and not acted on by the Corruption Eradication Commission,” Hakim said in a press release on Wednesday June 5, 2024.

Harun Masiku, a former PDI-P politician, has been implicated in the alleged bribery of Indonesian’s national General Elections Commission (KPU) Commissioner Mr. Wahyu Setiawan in 2019. Masiku remains a fugitive and has been on the most-wanted list of the Corruption Eradication Commission for the last four years.

Chico Hakim argued that the bribery case involving Harun Masiku pales in comparison to other high-profile corruption cases, such as the Rp44.5 billion ($3million) scandal involving Indonesia’s former Social Affairs Minister Mr. Syahrul Yasin Limpo (also known as “SYL”), or the Rp271 trillion ($18billion) tin mining corruption case. “This case is minor compared to SYL’s alleged corruption, or the alleged massive tin mining corruption case, and other major cases, especially the cases that seem to be stalled because they involve powerful figures,” he said.

Hakim emphasized that the Harun Masiku case was about alleged bribery by someone entitled to a seat in the House of Representatives, based on a Supreme Court ruling, but who was victim of an extortion effort by General Elections Commission officials.

Hakim noted that those involved had already faced criminal sanctions. Hakim claimed that the case had strong political overtones, surfacing just before the PDI-P’s national working convention (Rakernas). He asserted that everyone guilty in the Masiku case had been prosecuted and punished, with some having already been released. “Throughout the entire process, there has been no connection with Mr. Hasto Kristiyanto,” Hakim stressed.

In addition, Hakim suggested that the Corruption Eradication Commission’s move to summons Hasto to confirm new information about Harun Masiku was politically motivated.

He pointed out that the summons coincided with the run-up to the 2024 general elections for the heads of regional governments (Pilkada) in several areas. “Given the timing, just before the nationally simultaneous regional elections in 2024, it’s hard to deny the public perception that this issue is politically charged,” he said. Despite alleging political motives, Hakim confirmed that Hasto would comply with the summons. “Mr. Hasto will definitely attend and provide the necessary information,” Hakim assured.

The Corruption Eradication Commission is set to summon Hasto next week. Commission spokesperson Ali Fikri said that Secretary General Hasto would be questioned as a witness in relation to allegations against Harun Masiku, currently on the anti-graft agency’s most-wanted list.

“According to information from our investigators, he is likely to be summoned next week,” Ali told reporters at the Commissions offices in Jakarta on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

However, Ali could not confirm if the summons had already been sent. “But it’s already scheduled,” he added. Ali explained that Hasto’s testimony would help confirm new information the anti-corruption commission had received regarding Harun Masiku’s whereabouts. “We need to confirm the new information received by the Commission,” Ali said.

This article is based on https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2024/06/05/17561261/hasto-dipanggil-kpk-terkait-harun-masiku-pdi-p-singgung-dugaan-korupsi.

PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto Entangled in Duel Legal Cases

By Aryo Putranto Saptohutomo for Kompas.com, June 5, 2024

JAKARTA, Kompas.com – Hasto Kristiyanto, the Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), is currently in the public spotlight because of legal problems. Hasto is entangled in two separate legal cases being handled by different law enforcement agencies.

Information and Electronic Transactions Law

The first case involves allegations of incitement. Hasto was reported to the police following comments he made during an interview with a national television station concerning allegations of electoral fraud during this year’s presidential election. Hasto was reported to Jakarta District Police Headquarters by two individuals, Hendra and Bayu Setiawan, in March 2024 through the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of Jakarta’s provincial police headquarters.

In this case, Hasto is suspected of incitement and/or spreading electronic information and/or documents containing false news causing public unrest, in breach of Article 160 and Article 28 paragraph (3) of Indonesia’s national Criminal Code and Article 45A paragraph (3) of Law No. 1/2024 Concerning the Second Amendment to Law No. 11/2008 On Information and Electronic Transactions. Hasto attended for questioning at Jakarta District Police Headquarters on Tuesday, June 4, 2024. He said that by attending he was acting as a responsible, law-abiding citizen.

Also read: Elections: Police Intimidation of PDI-P Election Campaign Continues With Interrogation of Campaign Spokesperson, Kompas

“And because we are a country of laws, not a country of arbitrary power, I came with good intentions to respond to the summons served on me,” Hasto said. He also denied the accusations of spreading false news, or inciting the public. He explained that his statements were intended as political communication to the public. “Perhaps other statements I made were made in discharge of my responsibility to provide political education and my function of political communication,” Hasto added.

Harun Masiku

In addition to the case at Jakarta District Police Headquarters, Hasto will also be questioned by Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in relation to new information about a fugitive in a bribery case involving the alleged in-term appointment of House of Representatives member Harun Masiku. Harun, a former member of Hasto’s Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, is a suspect in the case of the alleged bribing of a commissioner of Indonesia’s national General Elections Commission (KPU), Wahyu Setiawan, for the 2019 period.

However, Harun fled and has been on the most-wanted list of the Corruption Eradication Commission for the last four years. Commission spokesman Ali Fikri said that new information has been received relating to Harun Masiku’s whereabouts. “To confirm the information the Commission has received,” Ali said, at the Commission’s offices in Jakarta yesterday.

Also Read: Presidential Handover: Managing Corruption Management Post Transition

Ali claimed that the Corruption Eradication Commission would summon Hasto next week to be questioned as a witness in the matter. However, he admitted he had not yet confirmed whether the investigation team had sent the summons.

“We haven’t confirmed the timing, and whether the summons has been sent, but it has been scheduled,” Ali said. The case involving Harun Masiku was uncovered in a sting operation conducted by the anti-graft agency on January 8, 2020. As a result of the operation, the Commission’s team had arrested eight people and named four as suspects.

The four suspects are General Elections Commission Commissioner Wahyu Setiawan, former General Elections Supervisory Board member Agustiani Tio Fridelina, PDI-P member Saeful Bahri, and Harun Masiku. Three out of the four suspects have been sentenced to prison. However, at the time, Harun escaped, evading arrest.

Corruption Eradication Commission investigators were last aware of Harun’s whereabouts in the vicinity of Indonesia’s national Police Science College (PTIK) in South Jakarta. Harun remains at large and is on the most-wanted list. Harun is suspected of bribing Wahyu and Agustiani to facilitate his appointment as a House Representative member.

This article is based on https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2024/06/05/07564491/saat-sekjen-pdi-p-ada-di-pusaran-2-kasus-hukum.

PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Suspects Police Summons Ordered From Above

By Nicholas Ryan Aditya, Achmad Nasrudin Yahya for Kompas.com, June 3, 2024

JAKARTA, Kompas.com – Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), Hasto Kristiyanto, suspects that there is an orchestrated direction behind his summons to attend Jakarta District Police Headquarters on Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

According to Hasto, the purpose of the direction is none other than to criminalize him. However, Hasto did not elaborate on who might be behind the alleged direction.

“Yes, there was definitely an order. There must have been an order to summons me because of my critical stance on allegations of electoral fraud,” said Hasto during an interview at the University of Indonesia (UI) in the West Java city of Depok on Monday, June 3, 2024.

Hasto has been summoned to Jakarta District Police Headquarters in connection with his interview on a television station during which he revealed allegations of fraud during the 2024 presidential elections. Hasto expressed surprise at receiving the summons, as he believed he was simply speaking the truth about the 2024 elections.

According to Hasto, allegations of electoral fraud have also been voiced in various academic studies and field study findings. “There have been instances of village heads being intimidated, regional heads being intimidated, and the press being intimidated. Then when a community complaint is voiced the legal process moves swiftly,” he said.

Comparing this to other cases such as corruption, illegal mining, and banking, Hasto remarked that these cases seem to be processed slowly, or even ignored by the police. “We, the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle, have a backlog of issues that remains unresolved. When one of our offices was hit by a Molotov cocktail, or when a laptop containing strategic information was stolen, those cases were not acted on,” he said. “Meanwhile, the people raising issues about improving the quality of democracy are the ones being processed,” continued the politician originally from the city of Yogyakarta.

When asked if he would attend Jakarta police headquarters alone or be accompanied, Hasto disclosed that PDI-P’s task force and branch administrators did want to accompany him.

However, he has asked them not to attend and to remain calm. “Amid the darkness hanging over the country’s democracy, and the darkness hanging over those in power, we have to fight for the truth within the law,” said Hasto. “So I urge everyone not to come. I will go accompanied by legal advisors,” he concluded.

According to information received by the media, Hasto has been summoned by police for questioning in relation to allegations of incitement and/or disseminating electronic information and/or documents containing false news causing public unrest, as provided for by Articles 160 and 28 paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code and Article 45A paragraph (3) of Law No. 1/2024 Concerning the Second Amendment to Law No. 11/2008 On Information and Electronic Transactions.

The incidents in question allegedly took place on March 16, 2024, and March 19, 2024, in front of Indonesia’s House of Representatives building at Jenderal Gatot Subroto Street and in the Central Jakarta suburb of Gambir. The complainants are Hendra and Bayu Setiawan, who lodged complaints at the Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT) of Jakarta’s District Police Headquarters.

This article is based on https://nasional.kompas.com/read/2024/06/03/20094671/hasto-curiga-ada-orderan-di-balik-pemanggilannya-ke-polda-metro-jaya.

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