Ganjar Pranowo Leads Poll, Dominating Vote on Java Island, Ray Morgan Survey

By and, Dec 17, 2023

TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Australia-based survey organization, Roy Morgan, released the results of a survey on the electability rating of Indonesian presidential candidates on Tuesday (12/12/2023).

The results of the survey show Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) endorsed presidential candidate, and Central Java provincial Governor, Mr. Ganjar Pranowo’s electability rating is above that of former army general and current Defense Minister, Mr. Prabowo Subianto, and above that of academic and Jakarta Governor Mr. Anies Baswedan.

Roy Morgan conducted this survey from July to September 2023 involving 2,630 respondents.

  • Ganjar Pranowo: 38 percent
  • Prabowo Subianto: 30 percent
  • Anies Baswedan: 25 percent

Further, according to the official Roy Morgan website, only seven percent of voters have not yet made their choice in the 2024 presidential election.

The Roy Morgan survey also showed that Mr. Ganjar was leading the vote on Java Island with 41 percent support.

The former Governor of Central Java is ahead by more than 10 percent compared to the other two presidential candidates, with Mr. Prabowo only supported by 29 percent and Mr. Anies 25 percent.

However, there is tight competition on the island of Sumatra, where Mr. Ganjar and Mr. Prabowo are on an equal footing.

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