PDI-P Chair Ms. Puan Maharani Urges PDI-P Members and Supporters to “Move On”, Accept the Reality That Former Allies Have Turned into New Adversaries

Kompas.tv, November 4, 2023

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV – Ms. Puan Maharani, Chair of the national executive council of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), granddaughter of Indonesia’s founding president, and current Speaker of the House of Representatives, has once again called upon all PDI-P members and supporters to “let go of old friends” who have now turned into opponents in the upcoming 2024 presidential election.

Ms. Puan emphasized that all supporters and volunteers of PDI-P should stop entertaining the notion that former friends who are now rivals are simply acting, but (accept) that they have unequivocally abandoned PDI-P, and opted for a different path in the 2024 presidential race.

“Accept the reality that former friends have become new adversaries,” Ms. Puan stated in a formal communique during the inauguration of the regional campaign team office for the PDI-P endorsed candidates Mr. Ganjar Pranowo and Mr. Mahfud MD in East Java province, which took place in Surabaya on Saturday November 4, 2023.

Ms. Puan further underscored the formidable challenges that lie ahead for Indonesia and the pressing need for leaders who are willing to work for the country, make sacrifices on its behalf, and preserve its unity. This can only be accomplished by a wholehearted dedication to Indonesia’s welfare, without a regression to the concerning era reminiscent of the New Order regime.

Ms. Puan also implored all supporters to maintain their cohesion and unwavering focus on the overarching goal of securing a trustworthy leader who is committed to the well-being of Indonesia.

On the other hand the notion of “moving on,” i.e., setting aside the past must also be embraced to fulfill the collective ambition of securing victory for the duo of Mr. Ganjar and Mr. Mahfud in the 2024 presidential election. This is especially the case as East Java is a region intensely coveted by each potential presidential and vice-presidential pair as they vie for victory in the forthcoming 2024 presidential race.

“Remember that East Java is currently a battleground, which means competition will be intense. However, I am confident that the supporters of Messrs. Ganjar and Mahfud in East Java are unafraid of the fierce rivalry,” remarked Ms. Puan.

During a prior event, where she led the consolidation of volunteers for Messrs. Ganjar Pranowo and Mahfud MD throughout East Java on Saturday, October 21, 2023, Ms. Puan alluded to relatives who have severed ties.

Ms. Puan assured her party’s enduring unity, even in the face of members opting to depart from the PDI-P, which had long served as his political home.

“If our kinsfolk, family, and friends choose not to stand with us, it does not signify that we are faltering, transforming, or cowering. We shall steadfastly face the challenges and persevere! Our commitment to securing victory for Mr. Ganjar and Mr. Mahfud remains unwavering,” declared Ms. Puan.

Although Chair Puan only explicitly referred to “old friends” and “party brethren,” her statements are widely regarded as being aimed at President Joko Widodo and his son Mr. Gibran Rakabuming Raka.

Mr. Hasto Kristiyanto, PDI-P Secretary General, had also formerly expressed the skepticism prevalent among lower-level party members and branches about President Widodo’s departure from PDI-P. Following widespread concerns regarding the potential abandonment of PDI-P, all PDI-P members and sympathizers hoped that would not happen.

Regrettably, the fact is that President Joko Widodo, who had been supported since his tenure as the mayor of (the Central Java city of) Solo, followed by his tenure as Governor of Jakarta, and two terms as the President of the Republic of Indonesia, had undeniably parted ways with PDI-P.

“At first, we merely harbored hopes that such a thing would not unfold, yet it has undeniably happened,” lamented Mr. Hasto in his written message, dated Sunday, October 29, 2023.

This article is based on: https://www.kompas.tv/nasional/458026/puan-minta-kader-dan-pendukung-pdip-move-on-terima-kenyataan-kawan-lama-sudah-jadi-lawan-baru

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